
Where Do I Find the FTP Logs on a Windows Server?

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TitleWhere Do I Find the FTP Logs on a Windows Server?
SummaryGuide on how to locate the FTP logs on a windows server.
URL NameWhere-Do-I-Find-the-FTP-Logs-on-a-Windows-Server
  1. Use the Remote Desktop client to connect to the target server.
  2. The FTP log location defaults to: C:\inetpub\logs\LogFiles\FTPSVC2 on the target server.
  3. If not there, the location can be found by running "Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager" from the Server Manager's "Tools" menu, selecting the server in IIS Manager and double-clicking the "FTP Logging" icon.
  4. These files are usually very large, so copy to a compressed folder before copying the compressed file to your local computer.
ProductsAdvanced Scheduling; Enterprise Store Operations; Time & Attendance
ModuleImport Export
Error Message Code
Additional Information

The FTP logs are usually available on the same server as the import/export directories.  This can be obtained from getwaveversion in the usual way: [application_url]\getwaveversion.asp

Publication StatusPublished

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